35 High Street

33 High Street - ◦ - 37 High Street

  • Bill Gleeson's Sweet Shop
  • Walter Washington Williams (-1928 to 1930s)
  • Ivy Rosalind Williams (-1936 to 1937+)
  • Lena Rice General Store
  • RE Clark & Sons Butcher (closed October 2024)
The block between Burnett Street and Charles Street (19 to 51a High Street) as it was in the 1930s with street numbers shown - frontage for 35 High Street is 28' 3".
Walter Washington Williams shop dated by photo owner as 1928, but could be later as Thomas Shirley next door is said to have opened in 1931 - I'm still looking for clarification on this. (Photo courtesy of Greg Williams)
Ivy Williams shop on the left in the 1930s - Ivy was the daughter of Walter Williams. (Photo courtesy of Paul Smyth)
Ron Williams Mens & Boys Wear on the left and Lena Rice on the right. Lena Rice moved to 4 Charles Street in approximately 1954. (Photo courtesy of Ian Rice)
RE Clark & Sons Butcher in 2016
RE Clark & Sons Butcher interior in 2013